SSL security at regulated casinos

The reason we cover our pin number when using our card at land-based venues is to add that extra protection, and that is exactly what digital encryption technology does for online casino payments.

Secure Socket Layer security at regulated casinosHowever modern cryptology, such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TSL) digital encryption, is a lot stronger than a hand and ensures all personal and sensitive information is protected, which is important for online casinos to implement so players can safely sign up and make real money deposits and withdrawals securely. Only reputable and regulated Internet casinos employ modern cryptology so it is important to play at these online gambling establishments only.

Best encrypted Internet casinos

To make it easier to find these types of web casinos, we have compiled all of the best online casinos, which are all encrypted, below.

  • G’Day
  • Slots Million
  • Royal Vegas
  • Thrills
  • Jackpot City
  • 32 Red
  • Leo Vegas
  • Roxy palace
  • Guts
  • 7 Sultans
  • Casino-Mate

Why are regulated casinos encrypted?

Regulated casinos are basically secure sites for players to deposit real money and withdraw winnings easily and securely. While there are governing regulatory bodies such as third party organisations, which have performed investigations into the web casino’s track record before granting their accreditation, they just ensure that the online casino is operating responsibly and fairly.

Digital encryption technology, on the other hand, ensures that those who want to get ahold of your personal and financial information cannot come close to getting one detail. So while a casino may be regulated by third party organisations, which is also incredibly important, it is essential that it is encrypted.

How to figure out if the web casino is encrypted

Before we get stuck into detailing exactly what digital encryption technology does, we want to explain how to find out if the online casino you are playing at is encrypted. You could simply visit our recommended web casinos as they are all encrypted with the latest encryption technology, but those who want to know more about it, or want to understand what we are referring to in this article keep reading.

It is important to note that each browser uses a different version of the security protocols available, but each confirm the authenticity of the online casino to create a secure and protected link. Additionally, if the web page is secured, regardless which version of the digital encryption technology used, it will begin with “https://”.

Google Chrome

Head to one of our Internet casinos via our links provided to ensure you will be on an encrypted page that will show you what we are talking about. Once you are there you will notice a small green padlock up in the main URL toolbar. Click on the padlock and a drop down menu will appear. Here, two options will appear including ‘Permissions’ and ‘Connections’. Click on ‘Connections’ which should show information similar to the following:

“Your connection to is encrypted with obsolete cryptography. The connection uses TLS 1.2. The connection is encrypted using RC4_128, with SHA1 for message authentication and ECDHE_RSA as the key exchange mechanism.”

We will explain what TLS is, how it relates to SSL, and what that 128 number means in the aforementioned sentence, below.

Additionally, it is important to note not all Connection information will state “with obsolete cryptography”, rather they may state “with modern technology”, which still means they are encrypted and secure.


Firefox works in the same way in that the small padlock in the toolbar ensures the site is secure. To view the certification click on the padlock then on ’More Information’. You will then be able to view all of the implemented encryption information and the certificates, including the version and strength of the digital encryption.


Safari follows the same method of clicking on the small padlock, which is located in the centre of the URL toolbar, to view the sites encryption information. A small window will appear stating the site in encrypted with an option to view the certificate, where the certification of encryption technology will be detailed.

How does digital encryption work?

The easiest way to understand what digital encryption technology is exactly is by looking at it as the protection offered when a link is sent between the Internet browser, such as Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox, and the Internet casino. These are known as the server and the client, as mentioned above. If this security was not in place, data sent across this link would be open for anyone to access. With the security, it is incredibly difficult to crack.

For the link to be secured it needs security protocols in place, namely SSL and TLS certificates. While these both have different levels, which we delve into below, as long as one of the following security protocol are in place then the online casino is secure in that aspect.

What is SSL and TLS certification?

SSL and TLS are two kinds of modern security protocols used to protect data which is sensitive. TLS and SSL are both forms of modern security certification, so what’s the difference?

SSL certificates
SSL is the certificate that authenticates the communication between the sever and client (in our case the Internet browser and the online casino) to secure the connection. It operates by using a public key and a symmetric key.

TLS protocols
TLS operates in the same way as SSL, but is a more modern version and is more commonly used now. While many online casinos refer to it as SSL on their ‘About’ page, these terms are actually still used interchangeably when in actual fact the encrypted web casino employs either SSL and TLS together, or TLS on its own.

Additionally, you may notice that there is SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2, which are all different versions. These are all still strong versions of encryption just each version caters to different needs of the client which is the Internet casino.

What is encryption strength?

Now you know what data encryption technology is and what both SSL and TLS security protocols are, you are probably wondering what it means when you see 128-bit or 256-bit keys.

As mentioned above when detailing how to locate the encryption technology certification, encrypted sites can state that ‘the connection is encrypted using RC4_128, with SHA1 for message authentication and ECDHE_RSA as the key exchange mechanism” or some may say “Connection Encrypted (TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, 256 bit keys, TLS 1.2”, for example. While not much of that makes sense, to find out if the online casino site is secured by strong digital encryption technology we only need to know what number means.

128-bit vs 256-bit digital encryption technology
You will notice that both connections include a number, which is 128 and 256 respectively. These stand for the encryption strength and mean 128-bits and 256-bits which are keys made up of 128 zeros and ones, and 256 zeros and ones. While that doesn’t make much sense to average player, for the cryptologist it means it would take over 100 years to crack a 128-bit key and longer for 256-bit key.

Basically, regardless which bit key is implemented as long as it operates on one or other other, or even higher, your sensitive information cannot be accessed for quite some time. Just as TLS evolved from SSL, its no doubt digital encryption technology will continue to do so.

Why it is important to play at encrypted online casinos

While your head might be exploding from all this technical talk, at the end of the day all you need to know is that you are playing at an encrypted Internet casino which can be easily ensured by clicking on the padlock and just reading that the site “is encrypted with modern cryptography.”

If you play at a web casino which doesn’t utilise digital encryption technology then you are leaving yourself open to having your personal and financial information stolen from you when logging in, making a deposit, and even making a withdrawal.

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